The Importance of Taking Care of the Vegetation on Your Property

Plants and trees on your property have a lot to offer. They add natural beauty and are a critical component of the local ecosystem. While vegetation maintenance may seem like an unnecessary expense or use of time, creating an environment where your trees and plants can thrive can result in many benefits.

Unfortunately, many property owners overlook the importance of vegetation management. Because it can be a lot of work, it’s easy to let it slip. However, hiring a good outdoor services company to take the job off your plate can really pay off. Below, we’ll discuss the importance of vegetation management, share some tips on the best ways to care for your vegetation, and review the benefits of trusting a good contractor to help you along the way.

Why It’s Important To Care For Our Plants And Trees

Thanks to their many benefits, plants and trees can be a tremendous asset to any property. Taking care of them helps to ensure they’re able to grow healthy and strong, which ultimately ends up maximizing their benefits. Here are some reasons why it’s important to provide your vegetation with regular care:

  • Plants Can Improve Your Property Value
    Through vegetation maintenance, you can enhance the curb appeal and the natural beauty of your property. This will make your home more attractive to visitors and potential buyers, which can help increase the value of your home.
  • Trees Can Improve Energy Efficiency
    Large, healthy trees play a major role in improving the energy efficiency of homes and buildings because they help to regulate temperature. Trees provide shade in the summer, which reduces direct sunlight exposure and limits the amount of heat that can enter the home or building.

    In the winter, trees can shield your home against harsh wind speeds, which reduces cold air entry. A yard that is full of healthy trees can expect lower utility bills in the summer and winter. According to the U.S. Forest Service, large trees can reduce air conditioning costs by 30 percent and heating costs by 20% to 50%
  • Regular Tree Maintenance Can Prevent Accidents
    While trees are mostly an asset, they can also be a liability when they’re sick. Diseased trees are more likely to fall, which can result in death, injury, or property damage. They’re also more likely to shed large limbs which can also lead to accidents. Regular pruning and care are essential to keeping your trees healthy and safe.
  • Vegetation Improves Air Quality
    Healthy green space can dramatically reduce or eliminate air pollution, which can lead to healthier air around your property. Poor air quality around your home can have devastating long-term effects. Luckily, trees are able to absorb harmful chemicals, gases, and particles. Regular vegetation maintenance can go a long way toward reducing air pollution.
  • Healthy Vegetation Can Help Combat Climate Change
    Trees and plants thrive on carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas that creates a warming effect in the atmosphere. Many scientists believe there is too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to the continuous burning of fossil fuels, and as a result, the planet is warming. Healthy plants and trees may be able to help combat the effects of climate change because they’re able to absorb carbon dioxide.
  • Healthy Vegetation Can Boost Your Mood
    Trees and vegetation can create beautiful landscapes that can boost your mood and your mental health. Some studies even suggest living around trees can lower your blood pressure and reduce stress. Less stress ultimately means a stronger immune system, so you can easily conclude that trees help people live healthier and happier lives.

Vegetation Maintenance Tips To Keep Your Plants Healthy

Like all living things, plants need food, water, and sunlight to survive and grow. Making sure your plants have an adequate supply of the basic necessities and protecting them from disease are the keys to successful vegetation maintenance. Here are some tips to help you maintain healthy vegetation:

  • Water Regularly
    Different plants have different needs. When deciding how much and how often to water a plant, consider the type of plant as well as its size and age. Younger plants usually need to be watered more often, while older plants only need to be watered when the ground is dry. Take an inventory of the plants on your property and come up with the right watering cadence to keep them hydrated.
  • Don’t Forget To Prune
    Eliminating weeds and dead branches is critical for extending the longevity of your plants. Prune your lawn and garden regularly throughout the spring and summer. When it comes to trees, winter and summer are usually the best times to prune dead branches. You should avoid tree pruning in the fall as your tree is getting ready for dormancy and pruning can leave it susceptible to disease If your trees are large, you should always consider hiring an ISA Certified Arborist to perform regular pruning and care. Don’t attempt to do it yourself!
  • Apply Mulch Every Year
    Mulch plays a major role in vegetation management because it helps to protect your plant’s roots while also keeping moisture and nutrients trapped in the soil. Reapply mulch around your home and garden every spring. You should also consider adding a thin layer of mulch around the base of your trees so they can benefit as well.
  • Add Fertilizer (or mulch up your leaves)
    Plants don’t just need water, they also need food. They typically get nutrients from organic materials such as leaves and grass clippings. Instead of raking leaves in the fall or bagging your grass clippings, consider mulching them up into small pieces and spreading them across your lawn. If you’d rather maintain a clean look on your property, you can apply a good fertilizer instead.
  • Monitor Your Trees For Disease
    Make sure to regularly monitor your trees for disease. Sick trees can have discolored leaves or branches, or they may start to lean or appear unhealthy. If you notice a tree is starting to show signs of disease, call an arborist right away. An arborist will do everything possible to save the tree before recommending removal.

How An Outdoor Services Company Can Help

Vegetation maintenance isn’t a one-and-done project. Rather, it’s a long-term commitment that results in compounding improvements over time. This is why many people choose to outsource vegetation management to experienced contractors. A quality outdoor services firm, like CFB Outdoors, can keep your plants healthy and your property looking great.

If you’re looking to improve the health of the vegetation on your Central Florida property, contact CFB Outdoors today. We’re an honest, dependable, and experienced outdoor services company that has been maintaining vegetation around Volusia County for several decades.